The Ten Hundred Blog
The story of TEN HUNDRED follows the adventures of a little Monkey Boy named
Bunavelle TenHun who has been tasked with taking back the Powers of the Oath Keepers from The Lost Ones.
These sacred powers that are bestowed to the Covenant Holders turns ordinary mortals into Gods.
Now what does all this mean, right? Let's start with the OATH KEEPERS. They're these
super powerful beings able to bestow ordinary mortals with the powers of a God in order
to take down what is known as ODDITIES. The ODDITIES are entities from a forgotten time that
were once mortal, but have essentially been corrupted. The Lore dives deeper into that. Basically, ODDITIES
are OATH KEEPERS and Mortals that were exposed to FISSURES for a prolong period of time.
Fissures are these portals made up of energy called Remnant that Oddities travel through.
The Remnant is toxic to OATH KEEPERS. The explanation for this is simple really. OATH KEEPERS uses a different
kind of energy known as Narta which is the energy used by Gods in the TEN HUN universe. Remant was created by
Oddities after being cast from paradise.
The Lost Ones were Covenant Holders who turned their backs on the Oath Keepers for the sake of power.
Those who hold the powers of a God must be responsible and take the necessary actions to preserve humanity.
But the Lost Ones are selfish beings, taking the powers for themselves and running away from their destiny.
Bunavelle is a special case. Not only is he to help the Oath Keepers in quelling the Oddities, but he is tasked
with stopping the Lost Ones and gaining their power. The comic, I decided, won't be in color to save on time as
I'm working on 2 other comics in color, which can take weeks to finish by myself.
I've also decided to make this my 1st comic to work with just to get something off the ground while I work on
SIMON in the background. Ten Hundred won't be releasing soon, but it will be coming out some time this Fall, but
no promises.